
WhatsApp Automation Cost Calculator

Ditch the crystal ball! Wondering how much WhatsApp automation will cost for your business? This handy calculator takes the guesswork out. Just tell it how many chats you expect (incoming and outgoing), and it’ll give you a budget-friendly estimate.

How to use our WhatsApp Automation Cost Calculator?

1. Select your business type (eCommerce or Service)

2. Depending on your type of business define the average numbers of orders/enquiries received in a day

3. Move the slider to select the number of promotional messages you would like to to send to a customer per day

4. Move the slider to select the total number of users you have

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the difference between WA Business & Meta verified WA for Business?

The main difference between WhatsApp Business vs WhatsApp is that the business solution offers a free app for small businesses and a paid API solution for larger ones that allow businesses to use rich messaging to communicate with users. Standard WhatsApp messaging is for personal use to keep in touch with friends and family.  

This chart compares the main differences between WhatsApp, WhatsApp Business, and WhatsApp Business API.


Standard WhatsApp 

WhatsApp Business App 

WhatsApp Business API 



Small businesses  

Medium to large enterprises 

Messaging tools 


Enhanced (quick replies, away messages, labels) 

Advanced (chatbots, automated messages) 

Message templates 

Not available 



Business Profiles 

Not available 







Available through the App store/Google Play Store 




What is a conversation?

Conversation-Based Pricing is a pricing model in which businesses are charged per conversation, which covers all messages delivered on the WhatsApp Business Platform throughout a 24-hour session.

What are utility conversations?

Utility conversations are conversations that assist customers with a specific request or transaction, such as updates on an ongoing transaction, post-purchase notifications, or recurring billing statements.

What are marketing conversations?

Marketing conversations are used by businesses to promote their products or services, provide updates or offer special deals to customers. These types of conversations are not related to specific requests or authentications, but rather are initiated to engage customers and encourage them to take action.

How many free conversations do I get per month?

The first 1,000 user-initiated conversations each month are free for each WhatsApp Business account. Conversations initiated by businesses are not included in the free tier. The free tier will be updated monthly based on the timezone associated with the WhatsApp Business Account.

Do I get charged when a customer messages a business?

Businesses won’t be charged for inbound conversations that occur within the 24-hour customer service window. This means that businesses can respond to users with free-form messages without incurring any costs during this time. However, if a business uses a template message in response to a user or initiates a conversation with a template message, it will open a new conversation based on the template category and incur charges.

Do I charged when customers message via Click To WhatsApp ads?

When users message businesses using call-to-action buttons on Ads that Click to WhatsApp or Facebook Page call-to-action buttons, their conversations are not charged. The first conversation that the user initiates is free, but subsequent conversations with the user are charged. Free entry-point conversations can only be initiated by the user. Free conversations are extended from 24h to 72h when users message businesses through these entry points.

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